(If you’re not quite sure what this trip is about, this post will bring you up to speed quickly!)

The bus to Cuzco had some really great moments, thanks to the ladies I traveled with- Elizabeth had a few great jokes concerning crayons…or maybe not, but after 12 hours, they sounded nice to all of us.  I got to sit next to my travel buddy, Jill, who was fun to sit next to and take photos with…and Jill, please note that I still want to steal all your photos…(I’d say it’s fair if you want some of mine? We’ll talk.)


Jill, my lovely travel buddy!


Want to know what 12 hours on a bus looks like? KIND, BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING PEOPLE, that’s what!

Unfortunately near the end of the trip, I was not feeling well enough to continue taking photos, but I can promise you that the scenery just got more amazing as time went on. Here’s a bit of what we saw from our seats- if you click on an image to make it larger, maybe you could flip through them quickly to get the full effect of our view! I mean, hey- maybe you need a little excitement in your life? Yep, got you easily covered with my photo consumption tips. Thank me later..in the comments section, of course. (Note- sarcasm has just been used).

After reaching Cuzco, we hopped into a taxi and the driver led us through beautiful, maze-like streets to our hostel, which was a  family-run spot that we found quite comfortable. There was a bit of a commotion in our room; it could have been about a HUGE spider found in a corner, but we’re too mature for that…if I’m remembering correctly, the spider was making the commotion about four humans and we were really just embarrassed for the spider’s sake that screams could be heard from the floor below. Something like that.. (It’s a cheesy-sarcasm type of day).

One of the four beds in our hostel- very comfortable and accommodating!

One of the four beds in our hostel- very comfortable and accommodating!

Next up, we were all starving and found a spot we thought served Turkish food for reasons I’m still not clear on, but were happy enough to find out that instead, it served traditional Peruvian food, more specifically, the type one would find in Cuzco. Happily it fit the occasion nicely, though I will say that prices were comparable to a restaurant in the U.S.- it made me thankful for the economic advantage that Arequipa provides those of us from the U.S. (but as Cuzco is much more touristy, the prices are often much higher. My host sister says you have to know where to go, and as we hope to return on a trip together, I can’t wait to find out the right way to visit Cuzco!)

It could just have been the specific neighborhood we were in, but the streets were quite confusing. Building numbers had no pattern, so it lent itself to getting lost; for this reason, we did not venture beyond the restaurant. We all felt jet-lagged despite the lack of a jet or even a time change, and decided to go to sleep early in order to be ready for the following day.

Cuzco was a pleasant spot for the moments when I was able to enjoy it without my traveler’s sickness kicking in high gear! The staff of the hostel and restaurant were extremely friendly, as were the shopkeepers along the street of our hostel. One owner of a pizza shop went out of her way to get us going in the right direction toward our hostel- calling them multiple times and making maps for us! Her level of karma may be untouchable; to be serious for a moment, she was a huge blessing when what we needed was to have a home base, and she was able to make that happen for us. We were blessed and so thankful for all the kindness!

Until next post- ciao!

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